1.) Get yourself on "Africa Time" asap; it can be quite nice if you learn to embrace it
2.) Expect everything to happen or nothing to happen at any given moment
3.) African insects are genetically superior to all other insects around the world
4.) Carry toilet paper or kleenex with you everywhere b/c all toilets and latrines are without TP
5.) Carry handi-wipes or soap with you b/c even hospitals do not have soap in the bathrooms
6.) Livestock animals are everywhere; get used to it and go ahead and embrace them using your yard as a giant litter box
7.) Pretend those roosters crowing outside your window from 2:30-6:30 AM are a sound machine, lulling you back to sleep
8.) Learning everyone's Setswana name is next to impossible but you must keep trying even when you feel like an idiot for asking people to repeat their names five times
9.) Drinking room temperature water (90-100⁰ F) in the Kalahari Desert will drive anyone crazy after three months
10.) Just relax. You live in Africa now and to survive, you have to go with the flow
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